Auckland Report, August 2021

Auckland is still in level 4 lockdown, so many potters are unable to access their studios. Inventive solutions are being found with front porches and kitchen tables becoming makeshift work stations and DIY wedging tables and drying cupboards being created. Auckland potters with home studios are feeling lucky to be able to absorb themselves with clay as lockdown days blend together. Limited access to materials has meant finally getting around to recycling all those buckets of clay for some and others are digging clay from local sites.

Raewyn Atkinson has been announced as this yearโ€™s Portage Ceramics Awards judge and fingers crossed lockdown will ease in time for the exhibition to go on as scheduled. Shortlist entries are due to be announced on September 19.

Masterworks Gallery have their annual button show running until September 18, with ceramic buttons by Christine Thacker, Kate Fitzharris and Aaron Scythe, an online catalogue can be found atย

Our 2022 Touring Potter Programme focusing on large scale sculpture with Carla Ruka is scheduled for Great Barrier Island in May next year. These will be three day workshops held across three consecutive weeks to allow for drying time. Public talks will also be included in each visit. This programme will be confirmed in November.