Dunedin Ceramics Certificate Class of 1974

Hello fellow Potters and Ceramicists!

An occasion recently gave me reason to pause and reflect on my past work. It spans decades and it reminded me of the time I had enrolled in the Ceramics Certificate Course at Otago Polytechnic in 1974. That was 50 years ago! How time has passed and how pottery changed my life!

It was the first full time course in Ceramics offered in New Zealand. It was only available as a one year full time course. They did put us through the paces โ€“ with the expectation that we would be able, newly graduated, to earn a living as studio potters. Phew! Of course, these were the heydays of handmade pottery and you could make a living (nothing flash of course) if you made enough mugs, bowls and casseroles. The classrooms were situated near the bottom of Filleul Street, practically in the middle of town, and had a big diesel kiln to fire our works in. I called it โ€œthe beastโ€ because it made me very ill every time I was on firing roster. Gas just wasnโ€™t a thing yet. Clearly, a clean electric kiln was the only option if I wanted to pursue the career of a potter.

At the end of the year our class was invited to show our work in the most prestigious pottery shop right on the main street in Dunedin. I cannot recall the name of the shop, so if someone from that era can remember and let me know, I would love to hear it.
I would also love to hear from anyone who has taken that course between 1974 and 1980. There would be plenty of stories to tell, I am sure. Friends made, favourite teachers, etc.

If anyone is willing to share their stories I would be delighted to be contacted. It was an interesting, exciting and optimistic period that would be nice to reminisce about. At present I have not considered if the 50th anniversary is worthwhile recording it or commemorating in some way because I do not know if enough people are interested. I have a list of the students enrolled for the course from 1973 โ€“ 1980 but no contact details. So I am reaching out by way of this note to see if there is any interest. You are welcome to spread the word to clubs or anyone who you think has a)ended that course and maybe even still keeps on pottng.

My contact email is enkolig@icloud.com.

Best wishes

Nicole Kolig