Wellington/Western Districts Report, August 2021

KINK is a group exhibition coming up at Thistle Hall that plays with erotica in a variety of mediums from clay to ink and the in-between.ย The opening on Tuesday 21st includes a pop up art market with more KINK pieces from @broken.nz. The exhibition runs until the 26th.

Breaking the Bronze ceiling is on at the Dowse until November 7th, featuring Andrea Gardner , Ann Verdcourt, Emily Siddell, Joan Calvert, Judy McIntosh-Wilson, Kate Newby, Lisa Walker, Lonnie Hutchinson, Marte Szirmay, Mary-Louise Browne, Niki Hastings-McFall, Ruth Buchanan, Ruth Castle, Shelley Norton, Shona Rapira-Davies, Sue Clifford and Tanya Ashken.

The Ceramics NZ 2022 touring potter programme with Carla Ruka is scheduled for Taranaki in March next year. These are three day workshops held across three consecutiveย weeks (13th, 20th, 27th). Public talks will also be included in these visits. This programme will be confirmed in November.

The winner of the $12,000 2021 Emerging Practitioner in Clay Award has been announced by Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. Finalists in the Award, presented by the Rick Rudd Foundation, will be exhibited at Quartz, Museum of Studio Ceramics in Whanganui for the next six months.